Buy X40 Salvia Divinorum Extracts Online, Salvia Divinorum Extracts For Sale
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What Is Salvia Divinorum
Salvia (Salvia divinorum) also known as Sage of the diviners, is an herb belonging to the mint family and is found in mountains of southern Mexico. The main active ingredient in salvia, salvinorin A, changes the chemistry in the brain, causing psychedelics effects. The effects usually last less than 30 minutes but may be very intense and frightening.
Are Salvia Divinorum Illegal?
Although salvia is not illegal (according to Federal law), several states and countries have passed laws to regulate its use. The Drug Enforcement Administration lists salvia as a drug of concern that poses risk to people who use it.
Benefits Of Salvia Divinorum
1. Menstruation
Salvia helps to ease premenstrual syndrome by lowering pain, headache, swelling etc. It also effectively reduces severity of symptoms associated with menopause. The essential oil extracted from the plant offers estrogenic activity.
2. Lowers inflammation
Salvia plant has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. A cup of salvia tea per day helps to lower abdominal inflammation lowers the chances of urinary tract infection and also treats gingivitis.
3. Treat depression
The tea is helpful in improving emotional state. Antioxidants such as apigenin, diosmetin and luteolin reduce the symptoms associated with depression.
4. Improve memory
Study conducted at the University of Oxford concluded that Salvia extract promotes cognitive abilities. Cholinesterase, an enzyme that regulates catalyzation of hydrolysis of acetylcholine, is responsible for improving memory. The decline in this neurotransmitter is related with less cognitive ability.
5. Salvia and Antioxidant Benefits
Excess free radical activity and reduced antioxidant defenses create a state of oxidative stress. Over time, oxidative stress can damage all body tissues, with the brain particularly susceptible. Oxidative stress has been implicated in many neurological disorders including Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Oxidative stress is also elevated in many mental health disorders including major depressive disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Moreover, animal models of induced oxidative stress have confirmed that it can adversely influence memory and learning performance.
Salvia plants and their individual constituents possess strong antioxidant activity. In an analysis of 10 Salvia species, it was confirmed that all species exhibited significant antioxidant activity as measured by oxygen radical absorbance capacity, radical scavenging capacity and total phenolic content. The extent of antioxidant activity varied across species and extraction methods used, the ethanolic extract of S. officinalis exhibited the highest activity
- Leaves are dried as well as smoked.
- Leaves are also brewed and ingested in the form of tea.
- The liquid extract is vaporized and inhaled.
Medicinal uses
- Tea prepared from leaves comforts headache, abdominal pain, stomachaches and various disorders.
- The plant is used by Palestinians of Israel also for indigestion, stomachache and treating heart disorders.
- It is used for treating ulcer pains and indigestion in Jordan.
- In Turkey, it is used for gall bladder and kidney stones and also to provide relief from coughs, colds and influenza.
- The plant is used to improve memory.
Effects Of Salvia Divinorum
The main active ingredient Salvinorin A in salvia, changes the way the brain works by changing the way nerve cells communicate. Nerve cells, called neurons, send messages to each other by releasing chemicals called neurotransmitters. Salvia affects this signaling process.
Salvinorin A attaches to parts of nerve cells called kappa opioid receptors. (Note: These receptors are different from the ones involved with opioid drugs like heroin and morphine.)
Short-Term Effects
Salvia’s effects usually appear in less than 1 minute and last less than 30 minutes. Short-term effects can include:
- intense hallucinations (seeing or feeling things that aren’t really there)
- mixed senses (such as “seeing” sounds or “hearing” colors)
- feelings of detachment (disconnected from one’s environment)
- mood swings
- sweating
There also are reports of people losing contact with reality—being unable to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s not. Many of these effects raise concern about the dangers of driving under the influence of salvia.
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